Freeing Your Mind - Javascript Single Page Application

Posted by danikrist on June 1, 2020

There is a story in Buddhist mythology that throughout the Buddha’s life, he was tempted by the Demon God Mara. Whenever Mara arrived, the Buddha would acknowledge his presence, invite him in, and then let him go. This story illustrates the idea behind my Javascript Single Page Application, Mara. As our minds are tempted with worries, fears, unaswered questions, nagging to do’s or other unhelpful thoughts, we can acknowledge them, invite them in, and let them go.

Mara allows you to take anything that is troubling you, type it out, and let it go. Past entries are saved in case you want to revisit them. Studies have shown that writing about emotions or things that are troubling you can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve focus and performance.

This single page application includes HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the frontend and a Ruby on Rails API backend.